Our Partners

At TaiFintech, we have forged strategic partnerships with industry leading institutions, ensuring that our solutions are backed by a wealth of expertise, cutting edge research, and a commitment to excellence. Our key partnerships include:

1. BCK Kenya Limited

BCK Kenya Limited is a prominent ICT service provider in East Africa, renowned for its strong capabilities in Application and IT Infrastructure services. As our fulfillment partner, BCK has established strong relationships with global Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) in East Africa, enabling us to leverage their expertise and access the latest technologies.

This partnership enhances our ability to deliver comprehensive solutions, incorporating the latest advancements in hardware and software, to meet the diverse needs of our clients.

2. Strathmore Research and Consultancy Center (SRCC)

SRCC is the consulting arm of Strathmore University, dedicated to providing high quality advisory and consultancy services to clients from various industries. With a reputation for academic excellence and innovation, Strathmore University serves as a platform for evidence based, high quality research in various fields.

SRCC coordinates the consultancy work of the university, ensuring that clients receive expert advice and solutions under generally accepted commercial arrangements. Through our partnership with SRCC, we have access to a wide range of research expertise and resources, enabling us to deliver impactful and innovative solutions to our clients.

3. Strathmore University

Strathmore University is a leading not for profit private university in Kenya, with a strong commitment to serving the Kenyan society and beyond. The university is renowned for its peerless reputation in academia, research, innovation, and consultancy.

Strathmore University, through SRCC, offers a range of training programs to various sectors, including the private sector, government ministries, parastatals, NGOs, and INGOs.

By partnering with Strathmore University, we benefit from their academic excellence and research capabilities, enabling us to develop cutting edge solutions that address the unique challenges faced by our clients.

Unique Partnerships and Benefits

The partnership between TaiFintech, BCK Kenya Limited, and Strathmore University brings several unique benefits to our clients:

  1. 1. Comprehensive ICT Capabilities:
    • BCK Kenya Limited's strong capabilities in ICT services, combined with TaiFintech's expertise in financial technology solutions, create a powerful partnership that can deliver end to end integrated solutions to clients.

      This collaboration ensures that our solutions encompass both application and IT infrastructure services, providing a comprehensive and seamless technology experience for our clients.

  2. 2. Access to Leading Global OEMs:
    • Through our partnership with BCK Kenya Limited, we have access to leading global Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) in East Africa. This enables us to incorporate the latest hardware and software technologies into our solutions, ensuring optimal performance, scalability, and compatibility.

  3. 3. Expert Advisory and Consultancy Services:
    • The partnership with SRCC and Strathmore University allows us to tap into their expertise in research, innovation, and consultancy. This enables us to provide high quality advisory services to our clients, leveraging evidence based research and industry best practices.

  4. 4. Academic Excellence and Innovation:
    • Strathmore University's commitment to academic excellence, research, and innovation ensures that our solutions are developed with the highest standards of quality and relevance.

      By collaborating with the university, we can harness their research capabilities and access their extensive network of industry experts and thought leaders.

The unique partnership between TaiFintech, BCK Kenya Limited, and Strathmore University empowers us to deliver innovative, comprehensive, and tailored solutions to our clients in the public sector, FSI, donor, and NGO sectors across Africa. Through this collaboration, we combine industry expertise, cutting edge research, and academic excellence to drive efficiency, transparency, and revenue optimization for our clients.